
Behavior Modification

We work with you to identify any issues that you may come to us with. Including aggressive or reactive behavior that needs modification. We do not turn any dogs away.

Basic Obedience

We can provide basic obedience sessions to ensure your dog is well-rounded and a great member of your family and in public. 

Service Dogs

We strive to give owners/handlers the tools they need to build their own Service Dog or work with us to build their Service Dog. We work with PTSD, Medical Alert, Mobility and more. 

Search & Rescue/Tracking/Trailing

We can provide strong foundations up to advance skills in tracking/trailing. These can be applicable skills for Search & Rescue individuals/teams or personal hobbies.


Looking for a fun skill? Detection is more than what police and professional handlers do as a job. We can provide a great opportunity for you and your dog to learn new skills and fun activities to do together. From service dog detection, truffle, shed, human remains, narcotics, electronic device, bed bugs, etc. The sky is the limit for detection.

Bite Development/Decoy

Are you looking to start your K9 on the path to Personal Protection? We will help develop a stable and sound K9 you feel comfortable taking anywhere in public as we train for real world situations.

Board & Train

All K9s are in home with the Owner (John) during the program. The K9s become part of our family and pack to become better members of your family. There are play sessions, training sessions, walks and public training if needed. Daily/Weekly reports are provided. 
*Note- space is limited and we are currently offering priority to Service Members needing a temporary or long term stay due to deployments or unique cases from established rescues.*

AKC Testing

We provide AKC testing for the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy program, CGC, AKC Community Canine (the advanced level of CGC), Urban CGC, Video Home Manners and Trick Dogs. *Coming Soon: AKC Temperament Test and AKC FIT DOG

Treadmill Training

A dog treadmill is an excellent tool for ensuring your K9 gets their daily exercise, regardless of bad weather or a busy schedule, promoting a healthy lifestyle and mental well-being. It also allows for controlled and consistent workouts, crucial for dogs with weight management needs or specific rehabilitation goals.


  • An initial assessment with owner/handler and K9. The session will be dedicated to identification of any problem areas, goals, explanation of our training philosophy as well as our recommendations to meet your goals.

    Appointment Request

  • Can be used for any type of training. We will work together to continue training goals for you and your dog.

    Appointment Request

  • This package purchases 3 training sessions. We work to meet your goals identified within the initial assessment and get you and your dog on the right path.

    Appointment Request

  • This package purchases 5 training sessions. We work to meet your goals identified within the initial assessment and get you and your dog on the right path. We will work through an expedited process to give you the tools to continue training with your dog and bring foundations of obedience and discipline.

    Appointment Request

  • This package purchases 10 training sessions. We work to meet your goals identified within the initial assessment and get you and your dog on the right path. Additionally, there will be opportunities to work offsite in public places to increase obedience and discipline in public.

    Appointment Request

  • This package is working your dog through additional stimulus around other dogs. Required to progress through your initial training before coming into group lessons.

    Appointment Request

  • All dogs are in home with the Owner (John) during the program. Prices can vary based on the package. The dogs become part of our family and pack to become better members of your family. There are play sessions, training sessions, walks and public training if needed. Daily/weekly reports are provided.

    Appointment Request

  • 6 - 30 min sessions at $275
    10 - 30 min sessions at $435

    Appointment Request